Cashmere Lash Tray 0.10
Create mesmerizing lash sets with our premium Volume Lash Trays. Specially designed for lash artists, these trays feature a collection of meticulously crafted volume lashes that will take your lash artistry to new heights. Get ready to unleash your creativity and deliver breathtaking volume lash extensions like never before!
14 Lines
Classic, Hybrid, Volume & Mega Volume Applications
Lash types, lengths, diameters & curls
Product knowledge, mapping & styling
Lash placement, taping, refills & removal
Business 101: Marketing, pricing, branding, and more
Our course is open to anyone 13 years or older.
Enrollment and all sales are final. Refunds are not permitted, but transfers are allowed with advance notice.
Trusted by Thousands of StudentsJOIN 25K STUDENTS
Make Like-Minded Friends
Top Industry Educators
What Our Students Are SayingHad the privilege to gain more knowledge from the one and only @GemuineLashes! Ladies if you need training, they're amazing!
I learned so much more here than I did in a week at any other place. Definitely recommend!!
If you ladies have been thinking about doing lashes, this is for you! BEST instructors in Vegas.
I attended your workshop 2 weeks ago and I already started my business. I just want to thank you for the great training skills you guys have provided. I've learned important things.
Crazy to think I took this course 8 months ago in Portland, starting taking clients 3 months ago and now I almost have full books! You guys are amazing, thanks for the knowledge.
Best class I've ever taken! The instructors were so helpful and amazing. It was so hands on I loved it! I took this class just for a refresher and learned so much!
IDK how much to thank the Gemuine course for teaching me everything I know & the ways I can grow in this journey I am just beginning 🤍 110% DO NOT REGRET
I loved this class and felt it was such a good deal for all the knowledge and product you get! thank you for being such a great instructor i deffinetly felt and still do feel supported ❤️